H.E Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej participates in the 10th meeting of the directors of international cooperation of the Libyan government

H.E Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej participates in the 10th meeting of the directors of international cooperation of the Libyan government

Date 28/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

Thursday, July 25th, 2024, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government, Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, participated in the 10th meeting of the directors of international cooperation departments and offices in the ministries, authorities, and institutions of the Libyan government, hosted by the Ministry of Social Affairs and attended by the Honorable Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Al-Mabrouk Mohamed Ghaith. During the meeting, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation emphasized the need to work and network with international organizations through the main gateway, which is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, as the entity legally authorized to link all institutions with foreign and local partners. He also stressed the importance of identifying all the needs of these organizations according to the pre-prepared plans of the international cooperation departments and offices in the ministries, authorities, and institutions through the local partner. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of working with the code of conduct model prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which has defined the conditions that must be met in the work of international organizations within Libya, namely: not interfering in the political affairs of our country, not affecting the teachings of the Islamic religion and the customs and traditions in our Libyan society, the necessity of having a local partner, and these organizations not dealing directly with citizens.






عن الوزارة

تمثل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي منذ إنشائها مقومات المجتمع الليبي ونافذته على العالم الآخر، التي تؤكد على قيم الإخاء الإنساني، وتدعو دائما إلى رفع المعاناة عن الإنسان بصرف النظر عن جنسه أو دينه، مشددة على ضرورة تعميق قيم السلام العالمي وحل النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وعبر الحوار .

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