The committee responsible for following up on the consular affairs offices in the municipalities visits the city Sabha

The committee responsible for following up on the consular affairs offices in the municipalities visits the city Sabha

Date 28/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the members of the committee appointed by His Excellency Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government;t o follow up on the consular affairs offices in the municipalities. The committee is headed by the Director of the Consular Affairs Department, Dr. Nasr Khaled Abdel Karim, and the membership of the Director of the Inspection Department at the Ministry, Mr. Akram Al-Burgo, conducted a field visit to the Consular Affairs Office in the city of Sabha. During the visit, a meeting was held with the Mayor of Sabha, Mr. Balhaj Ali, and a number of members of the Municipal Council of the city. The meeting discussed the needs of the Sabha Consular Affairs Office and the capabilities that would enable it to perform and progress its work at a good pace and provide services to citizens within the policy of bringing services closer to all citizens in all cities and regions under the Libyan government. During the visit, promises were made to allocate a suitable headquarters for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the city of Sabha by the Mayor of Sabha and members of the Municipal Council, and to work on the return of all foreign consulates to operate from within the city of Sabha. Upon the conclusion of the visit, the Mayor of Sabha and members of the Municipal Council praised the efforts made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government to activate and restore consular work in the cities of southern Libya, and the urgent need of the citizens for such services in southern Libya.






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