Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, meets the Head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, meets the Head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Date 24/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

On Tuesday, July 22, 2024, The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, accompanied by Dr. Faraj Al-Hasi, the Director of the International Organizations Department met with Mr. Jan Frédéric, the Head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and his accompanying delegation. The meeting aimed to review the humanitarian activities of the ICRC in various parts of Libya and to address the problems and difficulties in the delivery of services. The Minister emphasized the importance of adhering to the circular issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in May, which stipulates working through the local partner, developing strategic plans and programs in partnership, and not interfering in political and religious affairs. The Head of the Delegation praised the important strategic role played by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the crisis caused by Hurricane Daniel, and its crucial role in coordinating with government and non-governmental institutions, as well as linking them with the international community.






عن الوزارة

تمثل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي منذ إنشائها مقومات المجتمع الليبي ونافذته على العالم الآخر، التي تؤكد على قيم الإخاء الإنساني، وتدعو دائما إلى رفع المعاناة عن الإنسان بصرف النظر عن جنسه أو دينه، مشددة على ضرورة تعميق قيم السلام العالمي وحل النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وعبر الحوار .

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