Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej receives the Deputy of Foreign Affairs at the Council of Elders of the Tuareg Tribes in Libya

Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej receives the Deputy of Foreign Affairs at the Council of Elders of the Tuareg Tribes in Libya

Date 24/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

On Tuesday, July 22, 2024, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, in his office in Benghazi, received Mrs. Mabrouka Al-Sharif, Deputy of Foreign Affairs at the Council of Elders of the Tuareg Tribes in Libya. The meeting discussed the follow-up on the results of the visit to the city of Ghat, during which the Consular Affairs Office was inaugurated and the border crossing was visited. The meeting also addressed the follow-up on providing the various needs of the municipality in coordination with the relevant authorities. At the end of the meeting, the Honorable Minister praised the level of security and stability witnessed in the city of Ghat and the surrounding areas within the framework of the Libyan Government, thanks to the efforts of the Government and our Libyan Arab Armed Forces.






عن الوزارة

تمثل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي منذ إنشائها مقومات المجتمع الليبي ونافذته على العالم الآخر، التي تؤكد على قيم الإخاء الإنساني، وتدعو دائما إلى رفع المعاناة عن الإنسان بصرف النظر عن جنسه أو دينه، مشددة على ضرورة تعميق قيم السلام العالمي وحل النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وعبر الحوار .

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