The Director of the Islamic Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mansour Boujnah meets with the Chairman of the Committee for the Celebration of Declaring Benghazi as the Capital of Islamic Culture

The Director of the Islamic Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mansour Boujnah meets with the Chairman of the Committee for the Celebration of Declaring Benghazi as the Capital of Islamic Culture

Date 20/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, In accordance with the directives of His Excellency Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government, the Director of the Islamic Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mansour Boujnah, met with the Chairman of the Committee for the Celebration of Declaring Benghazi as the Capital of Islamic Culture for the Year 2024, Mr. Ibrahim Hedaia Al-Majbari, in the presence of the Head of the Dialogue Section at the Islamic Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ibrahim Juma Al-Awami. This meeting was held within the framework of joint cooperation to complete the programs for the celebration of Benghazi as the Capital of Islamic Culture for the Year 2024, with the aim of strengthening the eternal Islamic values and enhancing the Islamic cultural heritage through 80 events over the course of a full year, in our endeavor to highlight the cultural diversity in the fields of literature, arts, and knowledge as an added value for the Islamic countries to promote dialogue between cultures and civilizations, and to try to promote the values of coexistence and understanding among different peoples.






عن الوزارة

تمثل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي منذ إنشائها مقومات المجتمع الليبي ونافذته على العالم الآخر، التي تؤكد على قيم الإخاء الإنساني، وتدعو دائما إلى رفع المعاناة عن الإنسان بصرف النظر عن جنسه أو دينه، مشددة على ضرورة تعميق قيم السلام العالمي وحل النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وعبر الحوار .

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