Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej receives the final report from The Committee assigned for Reviewing Applications for the Diplomatic Attachés Training Course

Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej receives the final report from The Committee assigned for Reviewing Applications for the Diplomatic Attachés Training Course

Date 16/07/2024 12:00:00 ص

Monday, July 15, 2024, Benghazi. The Committee assigned for Reviewing Applications for the Diplomatic Attachés Training Course Submits its Final Report to His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs. the committee formed by the decision of His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, , No. (41) on year 2024, submitted its final report regarding its preparations for the written examination for applicants to the Diplomatic Attachés Training Course at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In its report, the committee announced that the final list of applicants has been prepared, with a total number of (591) applicants. Additionally, seating numbers have been prepared for all applicants who met the required conditions for entering the written exam, as well as a private code for each applicant. The committee reported that the exam places have been prepared, totaling (19) classrooms, and (38) from the staff of both the Institute of Diplomatic Studies and Benghazi’s Office have been assigned to handle supervision during the written exam. According to the report, cards were issued for all committee members and supervisors, and a total of (1500) answer sheets specific to the written exam have been provided, also among the completed tasks, (600) answer sheets were stamped with the official seal of the Diplomatic Institute, a signature model was prepared for the supervisors when receiving the exam from the committee and when handing the exam over to the appointed committee members, and signature models for the applicants were also prepared.






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