The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Consul General of the Republic of Sudan, in the aftermath of the statements made by the Sudanese representative to the Security Council

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Consul General of the Republic of Sudan, in the aftermath of the statements made by the Sudanese representative to the Security Council

Date 23/06/2024 12:00:00 ص

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government summoned the Consul General of the Republic of Sudan in protest against the biased and misleading statements made by the Sudanese representative to the United Nations Security Council. Sunday, June 23, 2024, in the city of Benghazi, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government summoned the Consul General of the Republic of Sudan, Mr. Abdel Rahman Mohamed Rahmatullah Al-Khayr, who was accompanied by his deputy, Mr. Mohamed Gamal El-Din, in the aftermath of the statements and fallacies made by the Sudanese representative to the Security Council. During this meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Libyan Government, Dr. Abdulhadi Lahweej, delivered the official protest memorandum issued by the Libyan Government regarding these unacceptable statements. The Honorable Minister briefed the Consul General on the official position of the Libyan Government and the firm and steadfast stance of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces in support of the unity, security, stability, and territorial integrity of Sudan, stressing the need to stop the infighting among the Sudanese brothers and rely on the concept of dialogue and understanding. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation noted that the General Command of the Armed Forces and the Libyan Government have provided all food, medical, and humanitarian aid to all the Sudanese brothers fleeing the war, and they continue to fulfill their duties towards the brothers and sisters. Also they keep calling for self-restraint, and an immediate ceasefire, and sitting at the dialogue table to end the cycle of fighting, terror, and death among the Sudanese brothers . While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expresses its rejection of all these fallacies uttered by the representative of the Republic of Sudan in the Security Council, it reaffirms Libya's commitment, as always, to stand by its brotherly state “Sudan”, especially in these delicate circumstances, given that it is an Arab neighboring and friendly country with which it shares common values and customs, and from the standpoint of its keenness to strengthen Arab and African solidarity.






عن الوزارة

تمثل وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي منذ إنشائها مقومات المجتمع الليبي ونافذته على العالم الآخر، التي تؤكد على قيم الإخاء الإنساني، وتدعو دائما إلى رفع المعاناة عن الإنسان بصرف النظر عن جنسه أو دينه، مشددة على ضرورة تعميق قيم السلام العالمي وحل النزاعات بالطرق السلمية وعبر الحوار .

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